Navigating Permits for Home Renovations in Orangeville

Most home renovation projects in Orangeville require building permits. We’ve put together this guide to outline the process of applying for permits and answer some common questions about them.

When Do You Need Building Permits?

Building permits are required for many types of renovation projects, including:

  • New builds
  • General repairs or renovations
  • Accessory buildings larger than 15 square meters
  • Additions, regardless of size
  • Interior alterations, including creating new rooms, a kitchen renovation, converting a garage to living space, a basement renovation and any structural changes
  • Structural features such as new decks and balconies, a home addition, adding dormers, or enclosing a porch, roof, or sundeck
  • Structural modifications such as raising a house to build a full basement, excavating the basement, and constructing a retaining wall
  • Adding a new entrance or window
  • Installing a pool, hot tub, fireplace, or wood stove
  • Installing or altering a plumbing system, including converting from a septic system to a town sewer or water

This list is current as of June 2024; contact the municipality to verify the permitting requirements for your home renovations in Orangeville.

Can you Renovate Without Permits?

Homeowners sometimes choose to forego the permitting process to save time and money and to undertake renovations that may not meet the local building code and other guidelines. We strongly caution against this. If you are reported for this, the authorities could force you to disassemble any work that’s already been done. Furthermore, you could be building a structure that is unsafe for your family and your neighbourhood. If you plan to do home renovations in Orangeville, work with the town’s regulations.

What You Need for Your Permit Application

To apply for building permits in Orangeville, you need to

  • Fill out an application, either in person or via email
  • Pay the applicable fees and refundable deposits, which may vary depending on the project
  • Submit two sets of construction plans and two copies of site surveys

These are the permitting requirements that apply to all home renovations in Orangeville, but specific projects may need other documents, such as additional forms or construction plans. Check with the town of Orangeville for details.

Your architect, engineer, or contractor may be able to make these submissions for you, which should prevent delays due to omissions or errors.

What to Do If Your Application Is Rejected

Applications for home renovations in Orangeville are sometimes incomplete or faulty. If all or part of your application is not approved, the rejection letter should detail what is missing. Resubmit your application with the necessary information or documentation. You can always contact the Town of Orangeville for clarification, and it is also within your rights to appeal the decision.

Starting the application process well in advance is a good idea; if these issues do arise, you can make your corrections and still start your project on time.

Displaying Your Permits

For all home renovations in Orangeville, building permits must be displayed in a visible location, usually near the front of the property. It is advisable to use copies of the permits rather than the originals and to enclose them in plastic or have them laminated to prevent water damage.

Inspections as Part of the Permitting Process

Once your reno is underway, your project will require inspections at specified points. This is part of the town’s responsibilities for home renovations in Orangeville, but it’s up to the homeowner and their contractor to ensure that they schedule the inspections.

Inspections are typically required upon completion of the foundation, framing, plumbing, electrical work, HVAC installation, insulation and vapour barrier installation and after the drywall has been put up. A final inspection then ensures that the work meets the applicable building codes and the plans as submitted initially.

Typically, inspections during home renovations in Orangeville proceed fairly smoothly, and the contractor for the project makes any corrections or adjustments required.

About Frameworks Renovation

If you are planning home renovations in Orangeville, Frameworks Renovation is your go-to contractor. With our extensive experience in Orangeville and the surrounding area, we have a thorough knowledge of the local building codes and regulations, good working relationships with inspectors and other building professionals, and large, reliable networks of tradespeople and craftspeople.

We handle both large and small home renovations in Orangeville; we are happy to work with you on your new build, basement family room, or bathroom reno, and we can assist with the permitting process.

Give us a call at (519) 216-5507, email us, or use our online contact form to talk about your ideas and get a no-obligation quote. We look forward to hearing about your project.

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